Pregnancy information

Your baby at 33 weeks

By 33 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's brain and nervous system are fully developed.

You at 33 weeks

Too much caffeine in pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage or your baby being born with a low birthweight.

If you're pregnant, do not have more than 200 milligrams (200mg) of caffeine a day – that's about the same as 2 mugs of tea, plus 1 can of cola.

Heartburn or acid reflux in pregnancy is common, caused by hormonal changes and the growing baby pressing against your stomach.

Changes to your diet and lifestyle may be enough to control your symptoms. If not, your midwife or GP can recommend treatment.

Your placenta grows in your womb during pregnancy. It brings oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby and takes waste products out of your baby's blood.

Your baby at 34 weeks

Your baby's bones are continuing to harden, apart from the skull bones. These will stay soft and separated until after the birth to make the journey through the birth canal easier.

The bones can move gently and slide over each other so the head can be born safely while still protecting the brain.

You at 34 weeks

Pre-eclampsia is a condition that sometimes develops in pregnancy, usually after 20 weeks, and it can be serious.

The blood pressure and urine checks you're offered at your midwife appointments check for the early signs.

Know the others signs of pre-eclampsia to look out for, including a bad headache, swelling and vision problems.

Gas and air (Entonox) is a form of pain relief you can be offered in labour, including at a home birth.

Find out more about pain relief in labour, including gas and air.

Your baby at 35 weeks

Your baby is curled up in the uterus now, with legs bent up towards their chest.

There's little room to move about, but they'll still change position, so you'll still feel movements and be able to see them on the surface of your bump.

If your baby is a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend from his abdomen into his scrotum.

You at 35 weeks

Labour that starts before 37 weeks is considered premature. If your baby is born early, they may need special care in hospital.

Find out about premature labour and birth.

You'll probably find you need to slow down because the extra weight makes you tired, and you may get backache.

You should still be feeling your baby move, right up until they're born. If you notice any change in your baby's movements, call your midwife straight away so your baby can be checked.

Do not use a home handheld device (Doppler) to check your baby – these are not reliable, and even if you hear a heartbeat this does not guarantee your baby is well.

Your baby at 36 weeks

By 36 weeks, your baby's lungs are fully formed and ready to take their first breath after the birth.

The digestive system is fully developed and your baby will be able to feed if they're born now.

You at 36 weeks

From around now, you may be aware of a tightening feeling in your lower tummy from time to time. These are a normal part of pregnancy, known as Braxton Hicks contractions – your uterus is "practising" for the tightenings, or contractions, of labour.

Find out about signs that labour has begun and what happens.

When contractions become longer, stronger and more frequent, it can be a sign that labour is starting.

You can find more information on pregnancy in the 'Your Pregnancy and Birth book'.